{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | void EEPROM_WriteByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16, uint8_t var_eepromDatarr_u8) |
Input Arguments | uint16_t: eeprom_address at which eeprom_data is to be written. uint8_t: byte of data to be to be written in eeprom. |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to write the data at specified EEPROM_address.. |
Usage | EEPROM_WriteByte(1234,25); //Writes 25 at the eeprom address 1234. |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | void EEPROM_WriteNBytes(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16, uint8_t *ptr_ramAddress_u8, uint16_t var_numOfBytes_u16) |
Input Arguments | uint16_t,: eeprom_address from where the N-bytes are to be written. uint8_t*: Buffer(Pointer) containing the N-Bytes of data to be written in Eeprom.. |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to write N-bytes of data at specified EEPROM_address. |
Usage | uint8_t A_RamBuffer_U8[5]={10,20,30,40,50}; // Buffer containing the data to be written in Eeprom EEPROM_WriteNBytes(100,A_RamBuffer_U8,5); //Copies 5bytes of data from A_RamBuffer_U8 into eeprom location 100. |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | void EEPROM_WriteString(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16, char *ptr_stringPointer_u8) |
Input Arguments | uint16_t: eeprom_address where the String is to be written. char*: String(Pointer to String) which has to be written in Eeprom. |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to Write a String at specified EEPROM_address.NOTE: Null char is also written into the eeprom. |
Usage | uint8_t A_StringBuffer_U8[20]="Hello, World"; // String to be written in eeprom EEPROM_WriteString(50,A_StringBuffer_U8); //Copies "Hello, World" along with NULL character into eeprom location 50. |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | void EEPROM_Erase() |
Input Arguments | none |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to erase the entire Eeprom memory. Complete Eeprom(C_MaxEepromSize_U16) is filled with 0xFF to accomplish the Eeprom Erase. |
Usage | EEPROM_Erase(); //Erases the complete(C_MaxEepromSize_U16 bytes) eeprom. |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | uint8_t EEPROM_ReadByte(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16) |
Input Arguments | uint16_t: eeprom_address from where eeprom_data is to be read. |
Return Value | uint8_t: data read from Eeprom. |
Description | This function is used to read a byte of data from specified EEPROM_address. |
Usage | eeprom_data = EEPROM_ReadByte(100); reads the data from eeprom location 100 which is copied to eeprom_data |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination |
Input Arguments | uint16_t,: eeprom_address from where the N-bytes is to be read. uint8_t*: Pointer to copy the N-bytes read from Eeprom. |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to Read N-bytes of data from specified EEPROM_address. The data read from the eeprom will be copied into the specified RamAddress . Note:Care should be taken to allocate enough buffer to read the data. |
Usage | uint8_t A_RamBuffer_U8[20]; // Buffer to read the Eeprom data EEPROM_ReadNBytes(1000,A_RamBuffer_U8,20); //Copies 20bytes of eeprom data(address 1000) into A_RamBuffer_U8 |
{{#Widget:LibTable}}Defination | void EEPROM_ReadString(uint16_t var_eepromAddress_u16, char *ptr_destStringAddress_u8) |
Input Arguments | uint16_t: eeprom_address from where the String is to be read. char*: Pointer into which the String is to be read. |
Return Value | none |
Description | This function is used to Read a String from specified EEPROM_address.The string read from eeprom will be copied to specified buffer along with NULL character. |
Usage | uint8_t A_StringBuffer_U8[20]; // Buffer to read the Eeprom data EEPROM_ReadString(200,A_StringBuffer_U8); //Copies a string from eeprom(address 200) along with NULL caharacter into A_StringBuffer_U8 |
user guide
- /* Program to illustrate the eeprom Read/Write */
- #include"uart.h"
- #include"delay.h"
- #include"eeprom.h"
- int main()
- {
- uint8_t arr_writeBuffer_u8[5]={10,20,35,50,60};
- char str_readString_u8[20];
- uint32_t var_writeNumber_u32=123456789;
- uint32_t var_readNumber_u32=0x00;
- char var_readChar_u8;
- uint8_t arr_readBuffer_u8[5];
- uint8_t i;
- UART_Init(9600); //Initialize UART at 9600 baud
- UART_TxString("\n\rErasing the Eeprom");
- EEPROM_Erase();
- UART_TxString("\n\rWriting below data into eeprom");
- UART_TxString("\n\rchar= A");
- UART_TxString("\n\r5-Bytes= 10,20,35,50,60");
- UART_TxString("\n\rString: hello, world");
- UART_Printf("\n\r32-bit number= %L",var_writeNumber_u32);
- EEPROM_WriteByte(10,'A');
- EEPROM_WriteNBytes(100,arr_writeBuffer_u8,5);
- EEPROM_WriteString(150,"hello, world");
- EEPROM_WriteNBytes(200,&var_writeNumber_u32,sizeof(var_writeNumber_u32));
- UART_TxString("\n\r\n\rReading Data back from eeprom");
- var_readChar_u8 = EEPROM_ReadByte(10);
- EEPROM_ReadNBytes(100,arr_readBuffer_u8,5);
- EEPROM_ReadString(150,str_readString_u8);
- EEPROM_ReadNBytes(200,&var_readNumber_u32,sizeof(var_readNumber_u32));
- UART_Printf("\n\rchar:%c",var_readChar_u8);
- UART_TxString("\n\r5-Bytes: ");
- for(i=0;i<5;i++)
- UART_Printf("%d ",arr_readBuffer_u8[i]);
- UART_Printf("\n\rstring:%s",str_readString_u8);
- UART_Printf("\n\r32bit Number:%L",var_readNumber_u32);
- while(1);
- return 0;
- }