Starting with FreeRTOS
In this tutorial we will see how to setup FREE RTOS keil project for LPC1768
Locating Files for your project
If you have downloaded FreeRTOS you will see that there are lots of files available. If its your first time of using any RTOS, it will be really confusing for you. Let us make the stuff easy for you. There are some common files which you can use for any controller while some are controller specific files. These controller specific files are called Port files in which all ports and some functions will be defined (mainly in assembly language). You can find the common files in Source Directory and in include folder under same directory. To get the Port files first you need to decide which compiler you want to use. Here we will be using Keil compiler. So now go to the FreeRTOSV7.2.0\FreeRTOS\Source\portable\Keil. It will ask you to see RVDS directory. As we want to work on LPC1768 which is a Cortex M3 processor, go to ARM_CM3 folder. Here are our port files. Include both the files to your project.
Setting up Keil for FreeRTOS
The next task will be setting up compiler. When you create a project in Keil, it asks whether to add startup.s file to your project, say yes to it. But some changes are required to do in this startup.s file to make FreeRTOS work. Also there are some configurations settings in FreeRTOSconfig.h. Apart from all these files you will also need lpc1768 header files. To make it simpler, head towards our Github page to find all the files on a click and at one place.