By : Sandeep 11:49, 6 March 2015 (IST)

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At times you just need a simple device that just works and this is one. This DIY kit indicates the level of water and sets an buzzer whenever it reaches a certain level. There are 4 levels and the buzzer can be triggered at any level you wish with the help of jumper.

Kit Contains

  • Water level Indicator PCB
  • All the components

Note: Wire is not shipped with the kit

How it works?

General Arrangement.JPG As seen the diagram above, the positive voltage(+9V to +12V) is always present at the bottom of the tank. The other wires for level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4 are arranged as shown. You can use the water proof tape to strap these wires on the main wire that goes to the bottom. Check the pictures at the bottom, I had installed it at my home. These levels are detected by the bi-directional switch IC as shown in the schematic. Also observe that you can set the jumper to turn on the buzzer at any desired level. This works pretty well and have it installed at my home since last 3 months. Now its your turn to build one!

The Schematic


Demo on home water tank


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