
Starling API works on javascript web-tokens. The default validity for the tokens is 1 year. It will be changed to shorter duration soon.

If you own a starling, create an account here.

Base URL for all requests:

Obtaining the token

http verb Request Response Description
POST /api/authenticate token Pass email and password as body parameter to obtain a web token

Example with CURL

  • Request
curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" -F "password=password" \ 
  • Response
  • You may also use the postman client

example with postman

Starling device Registration and access

Every API request should include the token obtained above as a parameter in url or header.

http verb Request Response Description
GET /api/starlings returns all the starlings registered for the given user validates the user and returns any starlings registered in JSON
GET /api/starling/{id} returns a particular starling validates the user and returns the given starling data as JSON
PUT /api/starling/{id} edits a particular starling the parameter need to send as form or url encoded data
DEL /api/starling/{id} deletes the starling with the given ID use with caution
POST /api/starling pass the parameters in the form body Creates a new starling after validating the data
