Interfacing Gas Sensor (MQ2) With AVR
After basic peripheral interfaces with AVR, it's time to interface some sensors with it. In this tutorial we will interface Gas sensor MQ2 with Atmega 32 breakout. We will require a Smoke Sensor (MQ2) Board .
The gas sensor MQ2 suitable for detecting of LPG, i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke etc. Since It is highly sensitive and gives fast response, we can take measurements as soon as possible. This sensor can be used for gas leakage detection.
At normal condition, sensor resistor will be high so voltage drop across the load will be low and it will be a constant.If sensor senses flammable gases, resistance of sensor will drop. That means more current will flow from load resistor.So the voltage across it increases. This output voltage increases with increase in concentration of gas in air. The sensitivity of the gas sensor can be adjusted using potentiometer.
Refer MQ-2 datasheet for detailed information.
This Smoke Sensor (MQ2) Board has analog as well as digital output. For this tutorial we will use analog output. Analog output pin needs to be connect ADC channel 0 of atmega 32 breakout as shown in hook up.
Hook Up
- As MQ-2 sensor has heater inside, it is prefer to give power to the sensor from separate source.
- For stable operation sensor requires around 24 hour preheating.
- We can use Ultra AVR Developement Board,Starter AVR or Atmega32 Breakout.
Resistance value of MQ-2 is difference to various kinds and various concentration gases. So,When using this components, sensitivity adjustment is very necessary.
The sensor resistor RS and load resistor RL form a voltage divider.
Based on the chart provided in the MQ-2 datasheet, RS in clean air under given temperature and humidity is a constant. The ratio of RS/R0 in clean air is 9.8 as described in datasheet.We will first calibrate the sensor. place sensor in clean air. We will get R0 value by dividing it by RS/R0 value in clean air.
Now once R0 is derived, the targeted gas can be sensed using RS/R0 ratio. as shown in below program.
- Initially place the sensor in clean air and reset the controller. It will calibrate the sensor and give the message as calibration done.
- Then place the sensor in smoke affected area, it will detect the smoke and will output a gas concentration in ppm and also sensor LED will glow.
- For calculating the concentration of gas in ppm take two points from the curve of particular gas from the graph shown below. Then calculate a slope of that line.
For eg. Take two points from LPG curve point 1 is (log 200, log 1.6) and point 2 is (log 1000, log 0.26). These points are in logarithmic scale so take log of points and calculate the slope using formula: $$Slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)$$
One point from above and slope is used in format (x,y, slope) in a program.
- In a graph the x-axis is Rs/R0 ratio and y-axis is concentration of gas in ppm.
We have to find (Gas concentration,RS/R0 ratio) point. In program we will get a Rs/R0 ratio.Now using above slope, Rs/R0 rato and first point mentioned above can be used for calculation of concentration of gas using below formula. As it is logarithmic coordinate, power 10 is taken to convert it to non logarithmic value. $$x2=[((y2-y1)/slope)+x1]$$ $$Gas concentration=10^{(((log(Rs/R0)-(y1))/slope)+x1)} ppm$$
#include <avr/io.h> | |
#include "adc.h" | |
#include "uart.h" | |
#include "delay.h" | |
#define RL_VALUE (10) //define the load resistance on the board, in kilo ohms | |
#define RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR (9.83) //(Sensor resistance in clean air)/RO, | |
//which is derived from the chart in datasheet | |
#define LPG (0) // Gas identity no. | |
#define SMOKE (1) | |
float LPGCurve[3] = {2.3,0.20,-0.45}; //two points from LPG curve are taken point1:(200,1.6) point2(10000,0.26) | |
//take log of each point (lg200, lg 1.6)=(2.3,0.20) (lg10000,lg0.26)=(4,-0.58) | |
//find the slope using these points. take point1 as reference | |
//data format:{ x, y, slope}; | |
float SmokeCurve[3] ={2.3,0.53,-0.43}; //two points from smoke curve are taken point1:(200,3.4) point2(10000,0.62) | |
//take log of each point (lg200, lg3.4)=(2.3,0.53) (lg10000,lg0.63)=(4,-0.20) | |
//find the slope using these points. take point1 as reference | |
//data format:{ x, y, slope}; | |
float Ro = 10; //Ro is initialized to 10 kilo ohms | |
int GetPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, float *pcurve); | |
int GetGasPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, int gas_id); | |
float ReadSensor(); | |
float ResistanceCalculation(int raw_adc); | |
float SensorCalibration(); | |
int main(void) | |
{ | |
UART_Init(9600); //UART setup, baudrate = 9600bps | |
ADC_Init(); | |
UART_Printf("Calibrating...\n\r"); | |
Ro = SensorCalibration(); //Please make sure the sensor is in clean air | |
//when you perform the calibration | |
UART_Printf("Calibration is done...\n\r"); | |
UART_Printf("Ro=%4fkohm ",Ro); | |
UART_Printf("\n\r"); | |
while(1) | |
{ | |
UART_Printf("LPG:"); | |
UART_Printf("%3d",GetGasPercentage(ReadSensor()/Ro,LPG) ); | |
UART_Printf( "ppm" ); | |
UART_Printf(" "); | |
UART_Printf("SMOKE:"); | |
UART_Printf("%3d",GetGasPercentage(ReadSensor()/Ro,SMOKE) ); | |
UART_Printf( "ppm" ); | |
UART_Printf("\n\r"); | |
DELAY_ms(500); | |
} | |
} | |
float ResistanceCalculation(int raw_adc) | |
{ // sensor and load resistor forms a voltage divider. so using analog value and load value | |
return ( ((float)RL_VALUE*(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc)); // we will find sensor resistor. | |
} | |
float SensorCalibration() | |
{ | |
int i; // This function assumes that sensor is in clean air. | |
float val=0; | |
for (i=0;i<50;i++) { //take multiple samples and calculate the average value | |
val += ResistanceCalculation(ADC_GetAdcValue(0)); | |
DELAY_ms(500); | |
} | |
val = val/50; | |
val = val/RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR; //divided by RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR yields the Ro | |
//according to the chart in the datasheet | |
return val; | |
} | |
float ReadSensor() | |
{ | |
int i; | |
float rs=0; | |
for (i=0;i<5;i++) { // take multiple readings and average it. | |
rs += ResistanceCalculation(ADC_GetAdcValue(0)); // rs changes according to gas concentration. | |
DELAY_ms(50); | |
} | |
rs = rs/5; | |
return rs; | |
} | |
int GetGasPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, int gas_id) | |
{ | |
if ( gas_id == LPG ) { | |
return GetPercentage(rs_ro_ratio,LPGCurve); | |
} else if ( gas_id == SMOKE ) { | |
return GetPercentage(rs_ro_ratio,SmokeCurve); | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int GetPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, float *curve) | |
{ //Using slope,ratio(y2) and another point(x1,y1) on line we will find | |
return (pow(10,( ((log(rs_ro_ratio)-curve[1])/curve[2]) + curve[0]))); // gas concentration(x2) using x2 = [((y2-y1)/slope)+x1] | |
// as in curves are on logarithmic coordinate, power of 10 is taken to convert result to non-logarithmic. | |
} |