In this tutorial we will see how to setup a Mplabx project to generate .hex file for Pic18f4520

Pic16F877A MplabX Setup0.png

MPLABx Setup Steps

Step1: Open the MPLABx software and select the New project from File Menu as shown below.
Pic16F877A MplabX Setup01.png

Step2: Select the Standalone option for the project. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup02.png

Step3: Choose the Controller(Pic18f4520) from the device drop down. Pic18f4520 MplabX Setup03.png

Step4: Select the required programmer. In this case it is Pickit2. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup04.png

Step5: Choose the xC8/Hitech compiler which ever is installed. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup05.png

Step6: Provide the project name and project location. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup06.png

Step7: Now the required project is created. Create a new .c/main.c to write the code. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup07.png

Step8: Save the file with C extension. Pic16F877A MplabX Setup08.png

Step9: Type the code or Copy paste the below code snippet and save it
Pic16F877A MplabX Setup09.png

#include <pic16f877a.h>
void DELAY_ms(unsigned int ms_Count)
unsigned int i,j;
int main()
/* Configure all the ports as Output */
TRISA = 0x00;
TRISB = 0x00;
TRISC = 0x00;
TRISD = 0x00;
PORTA = 0xff; /* Turn ON all the leds connected to Ports */
PORTB = 0xff;
PORTC = 0xff;
PORTD = 0xff;
PORTA = 0x00; /* Turn OFF all the leds connected to Ports */
PORTB = 0x00;
PORTC = 0x00;
PORTD = 0x00;
return (0);

Step10: Flash setup : Board comes with bootloader, we need to make the following setup otherwise generated hex file may overwrite the bootloader.
Flash setup.PNG

Step11: Build the project and fix the compiler errors/warnings if any.
Pic16F877A MplabX Setup10.png

Step12: Code is compiled with no errors. The .hex file is generated.
Pic16F877A MplabX Setup11.png

Step13: Check the project folder for generated .hex file.
Pic16F877A MplabX Setup12.png

Uploading the Hex file

After generating the .hex file check the below tutorials for uploading it using Pickit2 or Ds30 Software.

  1. Uploading Hex File Using Pickit2.
  2. Uploading Hex File Using Ds30 Bootloader.

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